Is Gas Keeping Your Baby Up At Night?

Is Gas Keeping Your Baby Up At Night?

There could be a lot of reasons why your baby is fussy when bedtime rolls around. One of the biggest ones could be gas. Gassy babies are usually fussy babies, which makes sleep elusive.  Gas is tiny bubbles in their stomach and intestines. While in adults this...
Should Your Baby Nap In A Dark Room?

Should Your Baby Nap In A Dark Room?

Naps are essential for the wellbeing of your baby. Newborns need to sleep a lot during the day! Until about three months old, young babies sleep for 14 to 17 hours over a 24-hour period, waking for short windows to eat and, of course, some activity. From around four...
How To Reduce Nighttime Feedings

How To Reduce Nighttime Feedings

As your baby grows, they start sleeping for longer stretches at night. At around three to four months old, many babies are able to sleep for six to eight hour stretches. But, is your baby continuing to wake up for nighttime feeds? To help support your baby to sleep...
7 Steps To Get Your Baby On A Regular Sleep Schedule

7 Steps To Get Your Baby On A Regular Sleep Schedule

Are you excited to get your baby on a regular sleep schedule so that you, too, can start sleeping through the night again? Newborns usually sleep for short periods of two to three hours, and wake up frequently to feed. As your baby gets older (around three to five...
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