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Navigating early parenthood comes with joys and challenges alike.
We’re here to simplify that overwhelming baby stage!

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I’m Hillary, the nurse founder of Baby Settler, and a mom of 4!

I’m also a lactation consultant, and I’m here to help you find your groove and navigate the overwhelming days and nights that can steal the joys of babyhood. Amidst all the chaos, I’ll bring you laughs, support, and a whole bunch of “I’ve got this!” moments.

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5 Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

5 Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

Returning to work after having a baby is an adjustment like no other. You’ve spent a few months solely focused on your new little one, but now, you’re going back to an office. The pregnant person who left is not the same as the mother who is returning . Your...

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5 Newborn Hacks for New Moms

5 Newborn Hacks for New Moms

After coming home with your new bundle of cuteness, you don’t just want to survive as a new mom, you want to thrive! Life with a newborn in those first few weeks is definitely challenging, but there are a few hacks you can put into practice to flourish in your new...

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7 Tips For The First Week of Breastfeeding

7 Tips For The First Week of Breastfeeding

Even though breastfeeding your baby is completely natural, it doesn’t mean it’s easy! Getting your baby to latch, knowing when to feed, and getting the perfect feeding position down can be really overwhelming.  Luckily, there are some things you can do to help the...

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4 Signs It’s Time To Drop A Nap

4 Signs It’s Time To Drop A Nap

You and your baby had a great sleep routine going – they were sleeping when they were supposed to, had active awake times, and were eating on schedule. Everything was going according to plan. However, things are different now and they’re no longer falling asleep on...

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Why it’s ok to put your baby in their own room.

Why it’s ok to put your baby in their own room.

Baby Settler BlogWhy it's ok to put your baby in their own room Hillary Sadler | March 30, 2021First things first. During the first six weeks of your baby’s life, I do recommend you have your baby sleep in your room (not your bed). You will be doing feedings so...

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“How do I get my baby to extend their nap?”

“How do I get my baby to extend their nap?”

Baby Settler Blog“How do I get my baby to extend their nap?” Hillary Sadler | March 23, 2021I get asked this question multiple times each week. My response is always, “Tell me a little more about your baby’s nap routine.” Let me share a truth with you. Most babies (I...

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5 Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night

5 Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night

Is your baby struggling to sleep through the night? Are they walking up at all hours, after only a short period in dreamland? This can be a stressful time – not only is it a struggle for you as a mom to not get enough good quality shut-eye, but developing a good...

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Why You Should Swaddle Baby

Why You Should Swaddle Baby

Baby Settler BlogWhy You Should Swaddle Baby Hillary Sadler | March 9, 2021Swaddling. Is it really necessary? I’ve often heard new parents say, “My baby hates to be swaddled.” While I don’t agree with their statement, I can see why it’s made. A lot of people think to...

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What is the Difference Between Fussing & Crying

What is the Difference Between Fussing & Crying

Baby Settler BlogWhat is the Difference Between Fussing and Crying Hillary Sadler | March 2, 2021Here’s the reality. Your baby is going to cry. And, sometimes your baby’s cry is going to be like fingernails on a chalkboard. But I want you to know crying can be normal....

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