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Navigating early parenthood comes with joys and challenges alike.
We’re here to simplify that overwhelming baby stage!

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I’m Hillary, the nurse founder of Baby Settler, and a mom of 4!

I’m also a lactation consultant, and I’m here to help you find your groove and navigate the overwhelming days and nights that can steal the joys of babyhood. Amidst all the chaos, I’ll bring you laughs, support, and a whole bunch of “I’ve got this!” moments.

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5 Tips For Feeding A Distracted Baby

5 Tips For Feeding A Distracted Baby

As your baby grows and exits the newborn phase, they start becoming more aware of their surroundings and interested in doing things other than sleeping and eating. Suddenly, when you’re trying to feed your little one, they seem to be interested in everything but...

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How To Get Out Of The Nursing To Sleep Cycle

How To Get Out Of The Nursing To Sleep Cycle

Breastfeeding your baby until they fall asleep is completely normal and often needed, especially during the first few months of your newborn’s life. This nursing to sleep, or feed to sleep, cycle can be a magical time and one that includes vital skin-to-skin contact...

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Can A Newborn Baby Sleep Too Much?

Can A Newborn Baby Sleep Too Much?

When you bring your new little bundle home from the hospital, it can seem like all they do is sleep and eat. As a first-time parent, you may look over at your newborn as they’re in dreamland and wonder, “Have they been asleep for too long?”  It’s important to remember...

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When To Increase Bottle Nipple Size

When To Increase Bottle Nipple Size

You’ve done your research and chosen the perfect bottle for your baby. But, that’s not where bottle feeding your little one ends… As your baby grows, the bottle they’re feeding from needs to evolve with them. You don’t need to invest in new bottles, it’s a simple...

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When Baby Only Wants One Breast

When Baby Only Wants One Breast

Baby Only Wants One Breast: Is it Normal and What Should I Do? It's perfectly normal for babies to only want one breast over the other. In fact, it's more common than you might think. There are a few reasons why your baby only wants one breast, and there are a few...

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Is Gas Keeping Your Baby Up At Night?

Is Gas Keeping Your Baby Up At Night?

There could be a lot of reasons why your baby is fussy when bedtime rolls around. One of the biggest ones could be gas. Gassy babies are usually fussy babies, which makes sleep elusive.  Gas is tiny bubbles in their stomach and intestines. While in adults this...

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