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Navigating early parenthood comes with joys and challenges alike.
We’re here to simplify that overwhelming baby stage!

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I’m Hillary, the nurse founder of Baby Settler, and a mom of 4!

I’m also a lactation consultant, and I’m here to help you find your groove and navigate the overwhelming days and nights that can steal the joys of babyhood. Amidst all the chaos, I’ll bring you laughs, support, and a whole bunch of “I’ve got this!” moments.

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Should Your Baby Nap In A Dark Room?

Should Your Baby Nap In A Dark Room?

Naps are essential for the wellbeing of your baby. Newborns need to sleep a lot during the day! Until about three months old, young babies sleep for 14 to 17 hours over a 24-hour period, waking for short windows to eat and, of course, some activity. From around four...

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How To Reduce Nighttime Feedings

How To Reduce Nighttime Feedings

As your baby grows, they start sleeping for longer stretches at night. At around three to four months old, many babies are able to sleep for six to eight hour stretches. But, is your baby continuing to wake up for nighttime feeds? To help support your baby to sleep...

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7 Steps To Get Your Baby On A Regular Sleep Schedule

7 Steps To Get Your Baby On A Regular Sleep Schedule

Are you excited to get your baby on a regular sleep schedule so that you, too, can start sleeping through the night again? Newborns usually sleep for short periods of two to three hours, and wake up frequently to feed. As your baby gets older (around three to five...

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6 Tips For Transitioning Your Baby To Their Crib

6 Tips For Transitioning Your Baby To Their Crib

Does your baby wake up as soon as you put them in their crib? Do they only seem to sleep deeply in their carrier or while you’re wearing them? Transitioning your newborn into their crib for naps and nighttime sleep can be a frustrating experience! But, it’s important...

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How To Know Whether Your Baby Has Reflux Or Gas

How To Know Whether Your Baby Has Reflux Or Gas

You’ve done everything: Your baby has been fed, burped, changed, and cuddled, and they’re still fussy. Unfortunately, newborns can’t tell you what’s wrong. What could be behind your little one’s fussiness is reflux or gas; and no, they aren’t the same thing.  So, what...

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What To Do If Your Baby Is Sick

What To Do If Your Baby Is Sick

Your baby will most likely get sick. They don’t have the immunity yet to fight off illnesses, so colds and gastrointestinal infections will happen. This is a normal part of growing up, so you don’t have to worry too much.  Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, a pediatric...

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3 Tips To Boost Breast Milk Supply 6 Months In

3 Tips To Boost Breast Milk Supply 6 Months In

Are you a mama who is thinking of continuing to breastfeed your baby beyond six months? Is a drop in breast milk supply getting in your way?  There are a few reasons why you could be experiencing a drop in breast milk supply, and luckily there are a few ways you...

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How Can a Lactation Consultant Help Me?

How Can a Lactation Consultant Help Me?

Have you typed that question into Google yet? If you haven’t, I’m going to guess you fall into one of these three categories: You think working with a lactation consultant will be awkward.  I get it. I won’t lie to you. Almost ten years ago I had my first baby,...

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5 Ways To Wake Up A Newborn Baby For A Feed

5 Ways To Wake Up A Newborn Baby For A Feed

Have you heard the advice, “Never wake a sleeping baby”? Well, this depends on what you’re waking them up for. Waking up your newborn to feed is actually recommended. Your newborn is peacefully sleeping - finally! All too soon the two hour mark comes up and your baby...

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