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Navigating early parenthood comes with joys and challenges alike.
We’re here to simplify that overwhelming baby stage!

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I’m Hillary, the nurse founder of Baby Settler, and a mom of 4!

I’m also a lactation consultant, and I’m here to help you find your groove and navigate the overwhelming days and nights that can steal the joys of babyhood. Amidst all the chaos, I’ll bring you laughs, support, and a whole bunch of “I’ve got this!” moments.

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How To Get Your Baby’s Sleep Routine Back On Track

How To Get Your Baby’s Sleep Routine Back On Track

Holidays have a way of disrupting routines. You may be going to bed later, eating at different times, and going out more. During the festive season, babies’ sleep routines are also easily thrown out of whack.  Perhaps Grandma stayed with you and rocked baby to sleep...

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How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In Their Crib

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In Their Crib

Does your baby refuse to sleep in their crib? Do they seem to only want to visit dreamland while on your chest? First of all, it’s totally acceptable and encouraged to let your little one sleep on your chest – this can be amazing for bonding. However, this just isn’t...

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Newborn Bedtime Routine To Promote Better Sleep

Newborn Bedtime Routine To Promote Better Sleep

Mama, have you heard this about sleep and newborns? “Babies wake up throughout the night, that’s just how it is.” While newborn babies do wake up in order to feed (in the first month, they’ll feed eight to 12 times a day), you can still do things to promote better...

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How To Sleep Train Your Baby Without Crying It Out

How To Sleep Train Your Baby Without Crying It Out

What comes to mind when you hear of the term “Sleep Training”? Many parents think of the infamous approach of letting your baby cry it out when they wake up in the middle of the night.  If you want to sleep train your baby and promote better nighttime sleep...

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How To Set Up Your Baby’s Nursery

How To Set Up Your Baby’s Nursery

When you’re pregnant, setting up the baby’s nursery is part of nesting - and it can be so exciting! Choosing a décor theme, shopping for super cute toys, and finding pictures for the walls is a lot of fun. But, while aesthetics are important, you’ve got to think about...

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5 Breastfeeding Myths Busted

5 Breastfeeding Myths Busted

When you become a mom, there are plenty of people in your life who will offer you free advice on how to look after your newborn. However, there are some myths that are routinely dolled out, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Let’s bust these breastfeeding...

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How To Decode Your Fussy Baby

How To Decode Your Fussy Baby

Your baby is going to cry, no matter what you do. Crying is one of the ways that babies communicate and burn off energy. You are not a failure if your baby cries! But, do you know the difference between fussing and crying?  Decoding your fussy baby isn’t about...

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True Vs False Labor: Decoding Your Pains

True Vs False Labor: Decoding Your Pains

Your uterus is beginning to feel as if it’s contracting. Should you go to the hospital right away, or is this false labor?  You’re coming close to the nine month mark, or already there and you’re just waiting for your new little bundle to join the world.  The lead up...

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6 Nursery Essentials Every Mom Needs

6 Nursery Essentials Every Mom Needs

Getting the baby nursery ready for your newborn can be an exciting time. Picking out a theme, decorating, and packing away their tiny clothes is a form of nesting, and it’s a completely natural urge.  “...the nesting instinct is the burst of energy women often get in...

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