What Really Happens in the First Few Days Postpartum?

What Really Happens in the First Few Days Postpartum?

What You Need to Know About the First Days Postpartum You did it! The marathon of pregnancy is complete, and you've crossed the finish line of labor. Cue the relief: "I'm SO glad that's over!" But, friend, there's a whole new chapter unfolding, and those first few...

The Default Parent (an opinion piece)

The Default Parent (an opinion piece)

I want to start out by saying that I'm blessed to have an incredible partner in my husband. Honestly, there are many times when I sit back and compare myself to him and feel completely inadequate in my role as a wife and mother. He does it all- literally. He is an...

How to Choose the Best Pediatric Provider for your Family

How to Choose the Best Pediatric Provider for your Family

How to choose the best pediatric provider for your family. Trying to choose the best pediatric provider for your family has always been a really important decision But honestly, I think it’s more important now than it ever has been.  When I was having my first...

Choosing the Best Diaper for Baby: Disposable vs. Cloth

Choosing the Best Diaper for Baby: Disposable vs. Cloth

The best diaper for baby As parents, we constantly face decisions that impact our children. One of the earliest decisions we make as a new parent is deciding what type or brand of diaper to use. When I was a mom for the first time twelve years ago I really didn't...

Meet Hillary

Hi! I’m Hillary, the Mama behind Baby Settler. These days you can find me with my four children and husband… probably outside, and helping Mama’s and families. I also have a lot of letters behind my name which translate, I’m also a Labor & Delivery nurse and Lactation Consultant.

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