Does your baby wake up as soon as you put them in their crib? Do they only seem to sleep deeply in their carrier or while you’re wearing them? Transitioning your newborn into their crib for naps and nighttime sleep can be a frustrating experience! But, it’s important...
How To Get Your Baby’s Sleep Routine Back On Track
Holidays have a way of disrupting routines. You may be going to bed later, eating at different times, and going out more. During the festive season, babies’ sleep routines are also easily thrown out of whack. Perhaps Grandma stayed with you and rocked baby to sleep...
How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In Their Crib
Does your baby refuse to sleep in their crib? Do they seem to only want to visit dreamland while on your chest? First of all, it’s totally acceptable and encouraged to let your little one sleep on your chest – this can be amazing for bonding. However, this just isn’t...
Newborn Bedtime Routine To Promote Better Sleep
Mama, have you heard this about sleep and newborns? “Babies wake up throughout the night, that’s just how it is.” While newborn babies do wake up in order to feed (in the first month, they’ll feed eight to 12 times a day), you can still do things to promote better...
How To Sleep Train Your Baby Without Crying It Out
What comes to mind when you hear of the term “Sleep Training”? Many parents think of the infamous approach of letting your baby cry it out when they wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to sleep train your baby and promote better nighttime sleep...
How Often Should Your Baby Nap?
When you get home with your newborn, you’ll see that a large part of the day will consist of them napping. The first few weeks will consist of short naps and regular feeds. Of course, as a new parent, you may be asking yourself: “Is my baby sleeping enough?”, “Is my...
5 Tips For Sleep Training Your Baby
As your newborn gets older and can self-soothe, you can start sleep training your baby so that you can get something most new parents dream of experiencing again: a full night of sleep! When it comes to extending your baby’s night-time snooze, there are a few things...
4 Signs It’s Time To Drop A Nap
You and your baby had a great sleep routine going – they were sleeping when they were supposed to, had active awake times, and were eating on schedule. Everything was going according to plan. However, things are different now and they’re no longer falling asleep on...
Why it’s ok to put your baby in their own room.
Baby Settler BlogWhy it's ok to put your baby in their own room Hillary Sadler | March 30, 2021First things first. During the first six weeks of your baby’s life, I do recommend you have your baby sleep in your room (not your bed). You will be doing feedings so...
“How do I get my baby to extend their nap?”
Baby Settler Blog“How do I get my baby to extend their nap?” Hillary Sadler | March 23, 2021I get asked this question multiple times each week. My response is always, “Tell me a little more about your baby’s nap routine.” Let me share a truth with you. Most babies (I...