Welcome to The Early Momming Podcast 

Every other Monday morning, we’re here to help you laugh, learn, and survive early motherhood.

Whether you’re looking for expert breastfeeding tips or just need to hear someone say, “Hey, we’ve all been there,” this podcast is your go-to for navigating the wild world of new motherhood.

Tune in for honest conversations about sleep (for both babies and moms), feeding, mental health, and all those unfiltered mom moments that make us want to laugh, cry, and eat an entire bag of chips—all at once.

Welcome to The Early Momming Podcast

Every other Monday morning, we’re here to help you laugh, learn, and survive early motherhood.

Whether you’re looking for expert breastfeeding tips or just need to hear someone say, “Hey, we’ve all been there,” this podcast is your go-to for navigating the wild world of new motherhood.

Tune in for honest conversations about sleep (for both babies and moms), feeding, mental health, and all those unfiltered mom moments that make us want to laugh, cry, and eat an entire bag of chips—all at once.

Listen to the Podcast

So, grab your coffee and join us as we dive into the reality of millennial motherhood.

We’re here to remind you: you’ve got this, and we’ve got you!

Hillary and Erica

Meet Your Hosts 

Hosted by sisters Hillary and Erica- Hillary, a mom of four, RN, IBCLC, and founder of Baby settler, and Erica, your fun-loving, non-medical ambassador (and hopeful future mom!)—we take on the challenges of early-momming with humor, heart, and real-life advice.

At Early Momming, we believe that the path to a successful motherhood journey—whether that’s your feeding goals or XYZ—should be defined by you, the mom.

It’s not about following what society or social media says success should look like; it’s about setting your own goals and embracing what works best for you and your baby.

We’re passionate about helping you navigate this time in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your personal values. And when things don’t go as planned (because let’s face it, they rarely do), we’re here to remind you that it’s okay to pivot, adjust, and rewrite your definition of success along the way.

This journey is yours—trust yourself, lean on your instincts, and know that whatever shape your experience takes, you are doing an extraordinary job.

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