Unpacking My Birth Stories: A Candid Look into My Childbirth Journey on the Early-Momming Podcast

by | Aug 16, 2024

Meet Hillary

Hey there, amazing moms and future moms! If you’ve been following along with the Early-Momming Podcast, you know that we dive deep into all things related to early motherhood. This week’s episode is especially close to my heart as I share some personal and transformative experiences from my own childbirth journey. Whether you’re preparing for your first baby or are a seasoned parent looking for some real talk, this episode is for you.

The Birth Stories Podcast: What to Expect

In our latest episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Erica about my birth stories, including the highs, lows, and everything in between. From the unexpected pregnancy of my firstborn, Boyd, to the unmedicated births of Ben and Ruth, and the challenging delivery of my fourth baby, Clay, we cover it all. Our conversation is more than just a recount of events; it’s a reflection on how these experiences have shaped my approach to motherhood and my career as a labor and delivery nurse.

Why Tune In? 

  • Unmedicated Birth Experience: I’ll be sharing my decision-making process and experiences surrounding unmedicated births. If you’ve ever considered an unmedicated birth or are curious about what it entails, this part of the episode will give you valuable insights.

  • Labor and Delivery Nurse Stories: With years of experience as a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve seen it all. I’ll be drawing from those stories to provide a behind-the-scenes look at what happens during labor and delivery, and how my personal experiences have informed my professional approach.

  • Postpartum Challenges: We dive into the challenges that came with each birth and how they’ve impacted my postpartum period. From breastfeeding struggles to managing expectations, these candid discussions offer a real look at the realities of early motherhood.

  • New Mom Advice: Whether you’re a new mom or someone looking for practical advice, this episode is packed with tips and reflections from someone who’s been through the rollercoaster of childbirth and early parenting


The Birth Stories: Highlights from the Episode

Hillary’s Candid Recount of Her First Delivery

The episode kicks off with a heartfelt recount of my first delivery with Boyd. It was a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. I’ll share how this experience set the stage for my future births and how it shaped my perspective on labor and delivery.

The Decision to Have Unmedicated Births

When I was pregnant with Ben and Ruth, I decided to go for unmedicated births. What led me to make this choice? How did it affect my labor and delivery experience? Tune in to hear about the preparation, the challenges, and the triumphs of unmedicated births from someone who’s been through it firsthand.

The Unexpected Challenges During Clay’s Birth

Clay’s birth was far from straightforward. I’ll discuss the unexpected challenges we faced and how we navigated through them. This part of the episode offers a glimpse into how even the best-laid plans can be derailed and how you can adapt to new circumstances.

The Importance of a Support System and Realistic Expectations

One of the key takeaways from my experiences is the importance of having a solid support system and setting realistic expectations for the postpartum period. I’ll share my insights on how to build a supportive network and what to expect in the early days of motherhood.

From New Mom to Experienced Labor and Delivery Nurse

In reflecting on my journey, I’ll also discuss how my role as a labor and delivery nurse has evolved. From being a new mom to becoming a seasoned professional, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to support other mothers through their own childbirth experiences.

Links Mentioned in the Episode 

For those who want to delve deeper into the topics discussed, here are some resources you might find helpful:


Why Listening to This Episode Matters

If you’re pregnant or have recently given birth, understanding the realities of childbirth can be incredibly empowering. This episode offers a blend of personal stories and professional insights, providing a well-rounded perspective on labor and delivery. It’s about more than just sharing birth stories; it’s about offering support, guidance, and a sense of camaraderie.

By tuning in, you’ll gain:

  • Realistic Expectations: Get a grounded view of what to expect during labor and delivery, especially if you’re considering an unmedicated birth.

  • Inspiration and Support: Hear from someone who has navigated the ups and downs of childbirth and come out stronger on the other side.

  • Practical Tips: Take away actionable advice on how to prepare for childbirth and manage the postpartum period.

We’d Love Your Feedback!

If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a review and sharing it with a friend. Your feedback not only helps us improve but also helps other moms find the support they need. We’re on this journey together, and your voice makes a difference!

Catch Up on the Episode

You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode of the Early-Momming Podcast!

Thank you for being part of our community. I’m excited to continue sharing my experiences and learning from yours. Until next time, take care and remember, you’ve got this!


Meet Hillary

Hi! I’m Hillary, the Mama behind Baby Settler. These days you can find me with my four children and husband… probably outside, and helping Mama’s and families. I also have a lot of letters behind my name which translate, I’m also a Labor & Delivery nurse and Lactation Consultant.

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